Fireground Safety Awareness Information


 An automatic safety zone will be established at all structure fires.


This distance will be at least 25 feet or the height of the structure.

All fire department vehicles will be positioned at least one and one half times the structure height (outside the collapse zone).

The minimum safety zone will be 25 feet for all non-structure type fires.


Only firefighters with full PPE will be allowed to operate within the safety zone

View Points -- The most dangerous fireground activity -- there are many.

the-most-dangerous-fireground-... the-most-dangerous-fireground-...
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the-most-dangerous-fireground-... the-most-dangerous-fireground-...
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 Hose Line Safety

When crews must operate from opposing or conflicting positions such as front vs. rear fire attack streams, radios must be used to coordinate your actions with those of the other crew.

Do not introduce exterior streams, whether hard lines, master streams, or other external streams, into an area where internal crews are operating. This procedure is intended to prevent injuries to personnel due to stream blast and thedriving of fire and/or heavy heat and smoke into interior crews.

Don't let the Impact of Ventilation on the Fire Response surprise you.  provides a lot of information about the impact of ventilation on the fire response. It is a long report and has an associated video.

Here is a copy of the ventilation study summary. Every firefighter should read this. 

DHS 2008 Grant Report Final Ve... DHS 2008 Grant Report Final Ve...
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 Firefighter Safety and Radio Communications are Linked

firefighter-safety-and-radio-c... firefighter-safety-and-radio-c...
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tailboard-talk-do-firefighters... tailboard-talk-do-firefighters...
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The number of personnel exposed to fireground hazards shall be limited to only those necessary to successfully control the operation.

Personnel shall not enter the fire building or immediate fireground without a specific assignment.

 Self-deployment is never a good idea.

the-consequences-of-self-deplo... the-consequences-of-self-deplo...
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Ladder Safety

When laddering a roof, the ladder must extend 2' to 3' above the roof line. This provides a visual means of egress to the individuals operating on the roof.

Personnel working off ladders must be secured to the ladders when working from a stationary position.

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